what type of treatment is a process in which the immune system is stimulated to fight cancer



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Reviewed by: Ezra Cohen, M.D.


UC San Diego Health


What is immunotherapy? Cancer immunotherapy, also known as immuno-oncology, is a form of cancer handling that uses the power of the torso'due south own immune system to prevent, control, and eliminate cancer.

Immunotherapy can:

  • Educate the immune organization to recognize and attack specific cancer cells
  • Boost immune cells to help them eliminate cancer
  • Provide the body with additional components to raise the immune response

Cancer immunotherapy comes in a multifariousness of forms, including targeted antibodies, cancer vaccines, adoptive prison cell transfer, tumor-infecting viruses, checkpoint inhibitors, cytokines, and adjuvants. Immunotherapies are a form of biotherapy (also chosen biologic therapy or biological response modifier (BRM) therapy) because they use materials from living organisms to fight disease. Some immunotherapy treatments utilize genetic engineering to enhance immune cells' cancer-fighting capabilities and may be referred to equally gene therapies. Many immunotherapy treatments for preventing, managing, or treating different cancers can also be used in combination with surgery, chemotherapy, radiations, or targeted therapies to ameliorate their effectiveness.

Unleashing the power of the immune arrangement is a smart way to fight cancer:

  1. The immune system is precise, then it is possible for it to target cancer cells exclusively while sparing salubrious cells.
  2. The immune system can adapt continuously and dynamically, just similar cancer does, so if a tumor manages to escape detection, the immune system tin can re-evaluate and launch a new attack.
  3. The immune system'due south "memory" allows it to remember what cancer cells expect like, then information technology can target and eliminate the cancer if it returns.

Why immunotherapy

Immunotherapies have been approved in the United States and elsewhere to treat a diversity of cancers and are prescribed to patients past oncologists. These approvals are the result of years of research and testing designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of these treatments. Immunotherapies are also available through clinical trials, which are advisedly controlled and monitored studies involving patient volunteers.

Immunotherapy doesn't always piece of work for every patient, and certain types of immunotherapy are associated with potentially astringent but manageable side effects. Scientists are developing ways to decide which patients are likely to respond to handling and which aren't. This research is leading to new strategies to expand the number of patients who may potentially benefit from treatment with immunotherapy.

Although scientists haven't all the same mastered all the allowed arrangement'due south cancer-fighting capabilities, immunotherapy is already helping to extend and save the lives of many cancer patients. Immunotherapy holds the potential to get more precise, more personalized, and more than effective than electric current cancer treatments—and potentially with fewer side effects. Learn more than about how you tin support new breakthroughs in cancer immunotherapy research.

Frequently Asked Immunotherapy Questions

What types of cancers can immunotherapy treat?

Immunotherapy has potential to treat all cancers.

Immunotherapy enhances the immune arrangement'due south ability to recognize, target, and eliminate cancer cells, wherever they are in the body, making it a potential universal answer to cancer.

Immunotherapy has been canonical in the U.S. and elsewhere as a start-line of handling for several cancers, and may also be an effective treatment for patients with certain cancers that are resistant to prior handling. Immunotherapy may exist given alone or in combination with other cancer treatments. Equally of December 2019, the FDA has approved immunotherapies as treatments for most 20 cancers as well as cancers with a specific genetic mutation

Learn more nigh immunotherapies for dissimilar types of cancer

Does immunotherapy have any side effects?

Immunotherapy may exist accompanied by side effects that differ from those associated with conventional cancer treatments, and side effects may vary depending on the specific immunotherapy used. In almost cases, potential immunotherapy-related side effects can be managed safely as long as the potential side furnishings are recognized and addressed early on.

  • Cancer immunotherapy treats the patient—by empowering their immune system—rather than the disease itself like chemotherapy and radiations. Patients may be tested for biomarkers that may indicate whether cancer immunotherapy would be an effective treatment.
  • Side effects of immunotherapy may results from stimulation of the immune arrangement and may range from pocket-size inflammation and influenza-similar symptoms, to major, potentially life-threatening weather similar to autoimmune disorders.
  • Common side effects may include but are not limited to skin reactions, rima oris sores, fatigue, nausea, body aches, headaches, and changes in blood pressure.

Conventional cancer treatments also have a range of side effects with a wide range of severity.

  • Chemotherapy is intended to target fast-growing cancer cells, so it may harm other fast-growing normal cells in your torso. Common side effects may include merely are non limited to hair loss, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, and fatigue.
  • Radiation uses radioactive particles to destroy cancer cells in a localized expanse, then it may damage other healthy cells in that area. Side furnishings may be associated with the surface area of handling, such as difficulty breathing when aimed at the chest, or nausea when aimed at the breadbasket. Skin issues and fatigue are mutual.
  • The goal of surgery is to remove the cancerous tumor or tissue and varies according to the type of surgery performed. Mutual side furnishings may include but are not express to pain, fatigue, swelling, numbness, and take chances of infection.

Larn more than about immunotherapy side effects

How long does immunotherapy last?

Cancer immunotherapy offers the possibility for long-term control of cancer.

Immunotherapy tin can "train" the immune organisation to remember cancer cells. This "immunomemory" may issue in longer-lasting and potentially permanent protection against cancer recurrence.

Clinical studies on long-term overall survival have shown that the benign responses to cancer immunotherapy treatment tin be durable—that is, they continue fifty-fifty later treatment is completed.

How long has immunotherapy been used as a cancer treatment?

Cancer immunotherapy originated in the late 1890s with a cancer surgeon named Dr. William B. Coley (1862–1936). He discovered that infecting cancer patients with certain bacteria sometimes resulted in tumor regression and even some complete remissions. Advances in cancer immunology since Coley's fourth dimension have revealed that, in patients that responded to his treatment, his bacterial toxin therapy stimulated their allowed systems to assault the tumors.

While Coley's arroyo was largely dismissed during his lifetime, his daughter, Helen Coley Nauts, discovered his old notebooks and founded the Cancer Research Constitute in 1953 to back up research into his theory. In 1990, the FDA approved the get-go cancer immunotherapy, a bacteria-based tuberculosis vaccine chosen Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), which was shown to be effective for patients with bladder cancer.

Visit the Timeline of Immunotherapy

What is the relationship between cancer and the immune system?

While many of our cells grow and split naturally, this beliefs is tightly controlled by a variety of factors, including the genes within cells. When no more growth is needed, cells are told to stop growing.

Unfortunately, cancer cells larn defects that cause them to ignore these terminate signals, and they grow out of control. Because cancer cells grow and behave in abnormal ways, this can brand them stand out to the immune organization, which can recognize and eliminate cancer cells through a process called immunosurveillance.

However, this procedure isn't always successful. Sometimes cancer cells develop ways to evade and escape the immune arrangement, which allows them to go along to grow and metastasize, or spread to other organs. Therefore, immunotherapies are designed to boost or enhance the cancer-fighting capabilities of immune cells and tip the scales in the immune system'southward favor.

Larn more about how the immune organization functions below

What types of immunotherapy treatments are in that location?

Immunotherapy treatments tin exist broken down into five types:

  1. Targeted antibodies are proteins produced by the allowed system that can be customized to target specific markers (known as antigens) on cancer cells, in gild to disrupt cancerous activity, peculiarly unrestrained growth. Some targeted antibiotic-based immunotherapies, known as antibiotic-drug conjugates (ADCs), are equipped with anti-cancer drugs that they tin can evangelize to tumors. Others, called bi-specific T prison cell-engaging antibodies (BiTEs), bind both cancer cells and T cells in order to help the allowed system respond more quickly and effectively. All targeted antibiotic therapies are currently based on monoclonal antibodies (clones of a parent bonding to the same marker(s)).
  2. Adoptive cell therapy takes a patient's own immune cells, expands or otherwise modifies them, and and so reintroduces them to the patient, where they tin can seek out and eliminate cancer cells. In Machine T cell therapy, cancer-fighting T cells are modified and equipped with specialized cancer-targeting receptors known as CARs (chimeric antigen receptors) that enable superior anti-cancer activity. Natural killer cells (NKs) and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) can also be enhanced and reinfused in patients.
  3. Oncolytic virus therapy uses viruses that are frequently, but not always, modified in order to infect tumor cells and cause them to cocky-destruct. This tin can attract the attention of immune cells to eliminate the master tumor and potentially other tumors throughout the trunk.
  4. Cancer vaccines are designed to arm-twist an immune response against tumor-specific or tumor-associated antigens, encouraging the allowed system to assault cancer cells bearing these antigens. Cancer vaccines can exist made from a diverseness of components, including cells, proteins, Dna, viruses, bacteria, and modest molecules. Some versions are engineered to produce immune-stimulating molecules. Preventive cancer vaccines inoculate individuals against cancer-causing viruses and leaner, such as HPV or hepatitis B.
  5. Immunomodulators govern the activity of other elements of the immune system to unleash new or raise existing immune responses against cancer. Some, known as antagonists, piece of work by blocking pathways that suppress immune cells. Others, known as agonists, work by stimulating pathways that activate immune cells. Checkpoint inhibitors target the molecules on either allowed or cancer cells that tell them when to start or stop attacking a cancer cell. Cytokines are messenger molecules that regulate maturation, growth, and responsiveness. Interferons (IFN) are a type of cytokine that disrupts the partition of cancer cells and slows tumor growth. Interleukins (IL) are cytokines that help immune cells abound and divide more speedily. Adjuvants are immune arrangement agents that can stimulate pathways to provide longer protection or produce more antibodies (they are oft used in vaccines, simply may also be used alone).

Acquire more about how dissimilar facets of the allowed system fight cancer.

What is the difference between immunotherapy and chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a direct course of attack on speedily-dividing cancer cells, just this tin can affect other rapidly dividing cells including normal cells. When patients respond, the handling'south effects happen immediately. These direct effects of chemotherapy, however, final only as long as treatment continues.

Immunotherapy treats the patient's immune arrangement, activating a stronger allowed response or teaching the immune system how to recognize and destroy cancer cells. Immunotherapy may take more time to accept an issue, but those effects tin can persist long after treatment ceases.

Learn more about immunotherapy versus chemotherapy

Who tin receive immunotherapy? What immunotherapies are canonical for standard intendance?

As of March 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had approved over lx immunotherapies that together cover almost every major cancer type:

  1. Aldesleukin (immunomodulator) for kidney cancer and melanoma
  2. Alemtuzumab (targeted antibody) for leukemia
  3. Amivantamab (bispecific antibiotic) for lung cancer
  4. Atezolizumab (checkpoint inhibitor) for bladder, liver, and lung cancer, and melanoma
  5. Avelumab (checkpoint inhibitor) for bladder, kidney, and skin cancer (Merkel cell carcinoma)
  6. Axicabtagene ciloleucel (Machine T cell therapy) for lymphoma
  7. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin [BCG] (vaccine) for bladder cancer
  8. Belantamab mafodotin-blmf (antibody-drug conjugate) for multiple myeloma
  9. Bevacizumab (targeted antibody) for encephalon, cervical, colorectal, kidney, liver, lung, and ovarian cancer
  10. Blinatumomab (bi-specific T prison cell-engaging antibody) for leukemia
  11. Brentuximab vedotin (antibody-drug conjugate) for lymphoma
  12. Brexucabtagene autoleucel (CAR T prison cell therapy) for leukemia and lymphoma
  13. Cemiplimab (checkpoint inhibitor) for lung cancer and peel cancer (basal cell carcinoma andcutaneous squamous cell carcinoma)
  14. Cetuximab (targeted antibody) for colorectal and caput and neck cancer
  15. Ciltacabtagene autoleucel (CAR T jail cell therapy) for multiple myeloma
  16. Daratumumab (targeted antibiotic) for multiple myeloma
  17. Denosumab (targeted antibody) for sarcoma
  18. Dinutuximab (targeted antibiotic) for pediatric neuroblastoma
  19. Dostarlimab (checkpoint inhibitor) for uterine (endometrial) cancer
  20. Durvalumab (checkpoint inhibitor) for lung cancer
  21. Elotuzumab (targeted antibiotic) for multiple myeloma
  22. Enfortumab vedotin-ejfv (antibiotic-drug conjugate) for bladder cancer
  23. Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (antibiotic-drug conjugate) for leukemia
  24. Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, or GM-CSF (immunomodulator) for neuroblastoma
  25. Hepatitis B Vaccine (Recombinant) (preventive vaccine) for liver cancer
  26. Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types six, 11, 16, 18) Vaccine, Recombinant (preventive vaccine) for cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and anal cancer
  27. Human being Papillomavirus 9-valent Vaccine, Recombinant (preventive vaccine) for cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal, and pharynx cancer
  28. Human Papillomavirus Bivalent (Types sixteen and eighteen) Vaccine, Recombinant (preventive vaccine) for cervical cancer
  29. Ibritumomab tiuxetan (antibody-drug conjugate) for lymphoma
  30. Idecabtagene vicleucel (CAR T cell therapy) for multiple myeloma
  31. Imiquimod (immunomodulator) for peel cancer (basal cell carcinoma)
  32. Inotuzumab ozogamicin (antibody-drug cohabit) for leukemia
  33. Interferon alfa-2a (immunomodulator) for leukemia and sarcoma
  34. Interferon alfa-2b (immunomodulator) for leukemia, lymphoma, and melanoma
  35. Ipilimumab (checkpoint inhibitor) for colorectal, liver, and lung cancer, and melanoma and mesothelioma
  36. Isatuximab (targeted anytibody) for multiple myeloma
  37. Lisocabtagene maraleucel (Motorcar T cell therapy) for lymphoma
  38. Loncastuximab tesirine​ (antibody-drug conjugate) for lymphoma
  39. Margetuximab (targeted antibiotic) for breast cancer
  40. Mogamulizumab (targeted antibody) for lymphoma
  41. Naxitamab-gqgk (targeted antibody) for neuroblastoma
  42. Necitumumab (targeted antibody) for lung cancer
  43. Nivolumab (checkpoint inhibitor) for bladder, colorectal, esophageal, GEJ, head and neck, kidney, liver, lung, and stomach cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, and mesothelioma
  44. Obinutuzumab (targeted antibody) for leukemia and lymphoma
  45. Ofatumumab (targeted antibody) for leukemia
  46. Panitumumab (targeted antibody) for colorectal cancer
  47. Peginterferon alfa-2b (immunomodulator) for melanoma
  48. Pembrolizumab (checkpoint inhibitor) for bladder, breast, cervical, colorectal, esophageal, head and neck, kidney, liver, tum, lung, and uterine cancer also as lymphoma, melanoma, and any MSI-H or TMB-H solid cancer regardless of origin
  49. Pertuzumab (targeted antibody) for breast cancer
  50. Pexidartinib (immunomodulator) for tenosynovial giant cell tumor
  51. Polatuzumab vedotin (antibody-drug conjugate) for lymphoma
  52. Poly ICLC (immunomodulator) for skin cancer (squamous prison cell carcinoma)
  53. Ramucirumab (targeted antibody) for colorectal, esophageal, liver, lung, and breadbasket cancer
  54. Relatlimab (checkpoint inhibitor) for melanoma
  55. Rituximab (targeted antibody) for leukemia and lymphoma
  56. Sacituzumab govitecan-hziy (antibody-drug conjugate) for bladder and chest cancer
  57. Sipuleucel-T (vaccine) for prostate cancer
  58. Tafasitamab (targeted antibiotic) for lymphoma
  59. Tebentafusp-tebn (bispecific antibody) for melanoma
  60. Tisagenlecleucel (CAR T cell therapy) for leukemia (including pediatric) and lymphoma
  61. Tisotumab vedotin (antibody-drug conjugate) for cervical cancer
  62. Trastuzumab (targeted antibody) for breast, esophageal, and stomach cancer
  63. Trastuzumab deruxtecan (antibody-drug cohabit) for breast, esophageal, and stomach cancer
  64. Trastuzumab emtansine (antibody-drug conjugate) for breast cancer
  65. T-VEC (oncolytic virus) for melanoma

New immunotherapies are being developed and immunotherapy clinical trials are nether way in most all forms of cancer.

Can people with autoimmune diseases and cancer be treated with immunotherapy?

People with mild autoimmune diseases are able to receive most immunotherapies. Typically, autoimmune treatment is adjusted and a checkpoint immunotherapy, such as those targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway, is used. Withal, each patient should speak with his or her doctor regarding the options that are most appropriate.

Tin people with HIV exist treated with immunotherapy?

People with HIV who are receiving effective anti-viral handling and whose immune systems are performance normally may respond to cancer immunotherapy and are therefore eligible to receive immunotherapy, both as standard of intendance and every bit part of a clinical trial.

How tin I receive immunotherapy treatment?

The assistants and frequency of immunotherapy regimens vary according to the cancer, drug, and treatment plan. Clinical trials can offer many valuable treatment opportunities for patients. Discuss your clinical trial options with your doctor.

Notice an immunotherapy clinical trial

How tin I tell whether immunotherapy is working?

Immunotherapy treatments may take longer to produce detectable signs of tumor shrinkage compared to traditional treatments. Sometimes tumors may appear to abound on scans before getting smaller, merely this apparent swelling may be caused by immune cells infiltrating and attacking the cancer. Many patients who experience this miracle, known as pseudoprogression, often report feeling improve overall.

In sure cancer types, immune-related side effects may be linked with handling success—specifically, melanoma patients who develop vitiligo (blotched loss of pare color)—only for the vast majority of patients, no definitive link has been established between side effects and immunotherapy's effectiveness.

How is the Cancer Enquiry Constitute involved in the development of immunotherapy?

For more than 65 years, the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) has been the pioneer in advancing immune-based handling strategies confronting cancer. It is the world'south leading nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to saving more lives by fueling the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer.

CRI provides financial back up to scientists at all stages of their careers along the entire spectrum of immunotherapy enquiry and development: from basic discoveries in the lab that shed lite on the primal components and mechanisms of the immune organisation and its human relationship to cancer, to efforts focused on translating those discoveries into lifesaving treatments that are and so tested in clinical trials for cancer patients.

Larn about CRI's impact

Boosting the Body's Allowed Organisation to Fight Cancer

Immunotherapy treatment harnesses the body's natural strength to fight cancer—
empowering the immune system to conquer more than types of cancer and save more lives.


demark to antigens on threats in the torso (e.g., bacteria, viruses, cancer cells) and mark cells for attack and devastation past other immune cells

B Cells

release antibodies to defend confronting threats in the trunk

CD4+ Helper T Cells

transport "help" signals to the other immune cells (e.g., B cells and CD8+ killer T cells) to brand them more than efficient at destroying harmful invaders

CD8+ Killer T Cells

destroy thousands of virus-infected cells each day, and are also able to seek out and destroy cancer cells


assist immune cells communicate with each other to coordinate the right immune response

Dendritic Cells

digest foreign and cancerous cells and present their proteins to allowed cells that can destroy them


engulf and destroy leaner, virus-infected cells, and cancer as well as nowadays antigens to other immune cells

Natural Killer Cells

recognize and destroy virus-infected and tumor cells quickly without the help of antibodies and "remember" these threats

Regulatory T Cells

provide the checks and balances to ensure that the immune system does not overreact

How the Immune System Works

Organs, tissues, and glands around your torso coordinate the cosmos, education, and storage of key elements in your immune systems.


Thin tube well-nigh iv to 6 inches long in the lower right belly. The verbal role is unknown; ane theory is that it acts as a storage site for "good" digestive bacteria

Bone Marrow

Soft, sponge-like material found inside bones. Contains immature cells that divide to class more blood-forming stem cells, or mature into ruby-red blood cells, white blood cells (B cells and T cells), and platelets


Cells lining this set of organs and glands, besides equally the bacteria throughout it, influence the balance of the allowed system.

Lymph Nodes

Small glands located throughout the body that filter bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells, which are then destroyed by special white claret cells. Also the site where T cells are "educated" to destroy harmful invaders in your body


This organ'south receptors detect bacteria and viruses. Nasal mucus catches these pathogens so the allowed system can acquire to defend against them.


This organ is non merely a physical barrier against infection, but also contains dendritic cells for teaching the residual of the body nearly new threats. The skin microbiome is also an important influence the balance of the immune organization.


Organ located to the left of the stomach. Filters blood and provides storage for platelets and white blood cells. Also serves every bit a site where key immune cells (B cells) multiply in order to fight harmful invaders


A set of organs that can terminate germs entering the body through the rima oris or the olfactory organ. They too contain a lot of white claret cells.

Thymus Gland

Small-scale gland situated in the upper chest beneath the breastbone. Functions equally the site where key allowed cells (T cells) mature into cells that tin can fight infection and cancer

As a science-first organization dedicated to supporting cancer immunotherapy inquiry, we're funding a future that fights back against cancer—all with your help.

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Updated Oct 2020



Source: https://www.cancerresearch.org/en-us/immunotherapy/what-is-immunotherapy

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